Just a Minute

I’m trapped inside again.  It was a beautifully sunny three day weekend yet last week’s snow has refused to melt.  The temperatures haven’t been particularly cold but each night is cold enough.  Nothing is happening and I’m beside myself with boredom.  So of course I’m again getting myself into trouble in the winter garden 🙂

bromeliad neoregilia under lights

An arrangement of goodies under the fluorescent lights in the garage.  

Even just a few years back I used to treasure each shoot and sprout, and anything worth rooting or potting up was saved, but things have escalated and a firmer hand is needed.  I spent my restless days aggressively trimming things back and tossing the extra cuttings into the compost bucket.  You’ll have to take my word that even as I still pot up just a few cuttings here and there I still have way more than I need and nearly as many (but not quite as many) as a somewhat normal person would want.

florist cyclamen care

I’m ridiculously obsessed with these everlasting florist cyclamen this winter.  They’ve doubled and tripled in size and really enjoy the sometimes chilly, always sunny spots they have under the growlights.  

So as winter tries to toughen up again this year I’ll just hide.  On the ride to work I can see enough of the nightly argument between open water and the freezing weather, but so far it’s a stalemate which the open water is bound to win by next week.  That’s when I’m declaring a winner and a full on start to snowdrop season but in the meantime I see two more cold nights to get through.

florist cyclamen care

A bargain red cyclamen was snapped up after Valentine’s Day and a fuchsia cutting from last summer is looking quite nice under this light. 

Friday and Saturday will be cold, but after that it’s nothing but spring.  Early spring, some would say, some would even say late winter, but I’m ready to get started, even if ‘getting started’ means a lot of poking around and looking rather than any kind of energetic to-do list.

calendula houseplant

Calendula “test” seedlings which were raised under the new LED shoplights are doing nicely although I did kill one through a little too much water after a little too much drought…

Maybe dividing and replanting snowdrops will be a nice start.  I’ve been making up new labels this week and am nearly up to 2016 plantings so as you can guess that’s moving along nicely, even though with 8+ years in the same spot I’ve kind of learned who’s who but you never know when the memory’s going to start fading… plus they’re lovely new labels so I’m sure all the visitors will appreciate it.

overwinter coleus

Coleus cutting season will start this week.  By May I should have a couple flats ready to plant out and who doesn’t need a few flats of coleus to plant out?

I did possibly get into a little extra trouble though.  Once I had an opening into the new basement space I thought what the heck let me hang a few lights and throw some spare furniture back there even though it’s years from being finished… and that’s where I am now.  Even unheated it’s a remarkably popular area and I’m worried it will be difficult to evict visitors once I begin a serious effort towards creating my basement greenhouse/ solarium/ orangerie.  You would think there isn’t another spare room in the house or another whole other side to the basement.  Trust me it wasn’t my idea to use up so much other space for a “gym” or “craft area” or “kids room”, I’ve always just wanted more room for plants 😉

indoor garden under lights

A few bigger things overwintering and a few smaller things on a bench.  

What harm is there in a few houseplants or more accurately basementplants?  I think my track record of frugality, self-restraint, and modesty in all things plants speaks for itself and I’m sure a few more lights in a new space hardly mean anything.  I’ll barely remember they’re down there when spring arrives next week.  Snowdrop season and spring fever are practically synonymous with good judgement and responsible decisions so not to worry!

Have a great two more days of winter 😉

A Breakthrough

Today was the last day of the Ten Days of Plantness and I’m thrilled to announce that it was a success.  One new plant for each day between Jan 12th and the 21st, and let me tell you it wasn’t as easy at it sounds but you’re welcome.  I say you’re welcome because a successful ten days means that spring will begin to arrive now rather than after 6 more weeks of winter… or at least I think that’s what we decided on… my friend Kimberley and I are still working out the specifics of this newly minted holiday and perfection doesn’t come all at once you know…

plantness flowers

The kitchen countertop is filled with the Ten Plants of Plantness.  A new philodendron, roses in a bouquet, an African violet, cyclamen, primula, orchids, a kalanchoe, and an unexpected bromeliad.

You would think finding ten new plants in January would be a breeze, but for some reason it became stressful as marts were empty of plants and grocery stores were sparse, and of course I’m cheap… and a little picky… but good fortune prevailed and the two primula and two mini orchids of the early days were joined by a white cyclamen, orange kalanchoe, a little philodendron, a purple and white African violet, a clearance bromeliad, and a somewhat borderline cheat of a plant -a small bouquet of pink roses.  Normally I wouldn’t have come close to buying any of this but for Plantness?  I made the effort.

So fingers crossed a few of these politely die within the next few weeks, because anyone who knows me knows I have enough plants, but in the meantime I’m quite pleased with all the color in the kitchen contrasted by the snow outside.  Breakfast with the flowers has been great, and to celebrate the tenth day properly a cake was even baked.

plantness flowers and cake

I don’t think anyone will doubt that I made this myself.  Normally a child will help, but not this weekend and I was left to my own and this is what you get.  A reduced calorie chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting, but the only calorie reduction was the frosting which slipped off the side.

So obviously it’s a holiday if there’s cake, right?  But that’s not the breakthrough mentioned in the title.  The breakthrough is an actual breaking through of the house foundation into the basement of the new addition.  You would be surprised by how easy it is to pop a hole through your walls with just a grinder and a sledgehammer but there’s much to be said for structurally sound foundation walls, so I wouldn’t really recommend it unless you’re completely bored and on the hunt for new projects.  Myself of course, has found a new project, and I can finally bring water to the plants overwintering in here without climbing in through the window.

Maybe once things are cleaned up I can bring a few of the new plants down here 🙂

foundation cut through

The new opening from the basement into the basement of the addition.  As you can see, just like many things here it’s a work in progress.

Maybe a day on the couch would have been a better way to spend the afternoon, but when you’re talking with your contractor and he says he has some time well you can finish eating your cake later.

Have a great week and enjoy your early spring?

The 10 Days of Plantness

Ugh, this cold is unbearable!  I had to pull out the winter coat and there’s even snow on the ground, but at least the distraction of the 10 Days of Plantness can help me through.  My friend Kimberley made it official with a few new plant purchases, and of course what kind of friend would I be to abandon her at this moment, so out into the snow I went to pick up milk, bread, and a couple new houseplants.  “Why are you going all the way there for milk!?” was the question, but I’m sure you know as well as I do which groceries also have excellent plants, so driving a few extra miles is worth the trip, but I still got a sigh and an eye roll when I mumbled “plants” when I hastily walked out the door.  Apparently some people don’t embrace new holidays but I do and when I came back with a few new plants no one even thought to criticize.  Maybe it was the two boxes of pizza I was also carrying, but after the feeding frenzy settled someone other than myself mentioned the flowers were nice so I think of it as a win.

houseplant purchase

Mini orchids ($9.99 a piece) and primrose (two for $5).  


That’s four plants and that takes me through the first four days of Plantness.  To celebrate properly I’ll need six more before the sun goes down on the 21st and that will be one plant for each of the ten days between Jan 12th and the 21st.  Easy enough, right?  “Yes, that makes sense” is what I hear you thinking, and no, I’m absolutely not just making this up as I go along.  Remember though that if the 10 days are not celebrated properly it means winter will last 8 more weeks, but if done correctly witch hazel and snowdrops will be in bloom by January 22nd.  You’ll be thanking me.

“I don’t have room for anymore plants”… is not an excuse.  Buy something you’re very likely to kill is what I suggest.  I’ll plant the primrose out in the spring and they’ll probably die during the summer, and the orchids will go to my mom on our next visit, and that will probably be for the best.  Thanks for the pressure Kimberley, I wouldn’t have bought them otherwise and I’m quite pleased admiring them on this chilly night.

By the way, cut flowers count.  Maybe my next six will all be bouquets and six vases surrounding these new additions would be very nice as well.